
beREADY is an informative, preventative and protective compilation of resources addressing the array of issues associated with sexual health, behaviour and relationships.
In a highly sexualised culture with distorted and inaccurate information and explicit sexual imagery often conveyed in the context of unrealistic relationships, our youth are constantly being misled and misinformed about how to establish a healthy relationship and manage their sexuality.
The school system alone is not able to provide all of the necessary information nor is it able to support the particular moral standards that parents would like imparted to their children. Nothing can replace the loving and caring input of a parent or carer. Children undoubtably are being left ill-equipped to protect themselves physically, emotionally and socially.
Our youth need information, guidance and advice that will protect them.
beREADY provides parents, youth leaders and educators with age appropriate programs to inform children of the complexities of human sexuality and relationships in a factual and engaging way.
From the essential foundation of exploring their own incredible uniqueness, to understanding reproduction and the risks and responsibilities of sexual behaviour, these programs and resources enable caretakers to engage with children in a meaningful way to equip them with the facts that are so essential to their future health and well-being.
beREADY also provides support material for parents and facilitators on subject matter associated with sexual health education including; reproduction, DNA, puberty, fertility, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, adoption and abortion.
With year level program manuals, thought-provoking and fun activites and educational resources, children can be equipped to delay and reduce their sexual activity to safeguard their sexual health and encourage a strong focus on ‘risk avoidance’, rather than simply ‘harm minimisation’.
Fully Informed has been developed specifically to assist churches and faith-based organisations address the current social issues directly affecting the sexual health and relationships of those in their congregations, their children, and the broader community.
These presentations are designed for age 15+ and are facilitated by experienced presenters, providing essential information on topics relating to human sexuality and associated behaviours and beliefs.
Fully Informed covers six sensitive but ultimately unavoidable subjects profoundly impacting men, women, children and families.
Call or email our office for further details.
Call: 08 8352 4044