Genesis Pregnancy Support

Single Mums 
Support Groups 

If connecting with other single mums is what you are looking for then this group is for you!

Whether you’re awaiting your first baby or you’re already parenting one or more, doing it all alone can be a very daunting and isolating experience. With its own unique challenges, it is not at all the same as parenting with the support of a partner or husband.

We get that. And we know that you don’t often have an extra pair of hands or someone to provide relief or understanding when you’re sleep deprived, and the days are tough.


MummyLink-Online is intended to be that quick connect when you have something to share, but maybe no-one to share it with, when your little one just did something cute or weird and you want to share a laugh, when you’re struggling with a baby or toddler issue and you need someone to provide some suggestions, cos you’ve tried everything!

MummyLink-Online is there to connect you into a group with other mums in similar situations and include input from members of the MummyLink team with some ideas or advice. It’s an easy way to connect with other single mums and open up a new world of support, encouragement and understanding.

MummyLink-Online team members include women who have;

  • been single mums too
  • currently have a baby, twins and/or toddler
  • are successfully raising four children
  • have studied midwifery
  • support mums in the Genesis ‘eMbrace’ parenting program

Share the successes, trials, dilemmas and joys of your motherhood journey with other valiant women who are loving and caring for incredible kids!

We all need a hand when raising a child. And you’re not alone.

No high expectations, no ‘barbie doll’ mums.

We’d love to be part of your motherhood journey.