Abortion Recovery
When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, many women feel overwhelmed by the pressure of their circumstances or lack of support. They are faced with so many questions and the best choice for their future can be unclear. Women are sometimes pressured with time constraints or made to feel that a termination is the only realistic option available to them. They can often feel that the best or simplest alternative is to have an abortion.
In most cases, these women are unaware that research confirms that there can be serious psychological and emotional side effects suffered by a significant number of women who undergo an abortion. This is even more of a risk if the woman feels pressured by a partner or family member, or if it is carried out against her personal values and maternal instincts.
The emotional impact of abortion, even when voluntarily chosen, can include the following:
- Initial relief that later subsides
- Depression and grief
- Emotional numbness or breakdown
- Shattered self esteem
- Flashbacks, dreams or nightmares
- Change in eating habits (eg comfort eating or loss of appetite)
- Anxiety attacks, regret or guilt
- Promiscuous activity
- Relationship difficulties or difficulty with intimacy
- Feeling helpless or hopeless
- Relational problems with existing children
- Feelings of frustration and anger
- Increase in drug or alcohol use
- Suicidal thoughts
- Other mental health issues
Many women bury their feelings and never talk about their abortion/s to family or friends. The important thing to realise is that you are not alone in this suffering. There are others who are struggling over this issue too.
But help is available and there are people who will support you with understanding, compassion and validation.
If you would like to talk with someone about your abortion experience, we are here to listen. Our team of trained volunteers understand how to care for women who have been impacted by abortion. We are available at any time, offering compassionate and genuine care to provide help and healing.
To book an appointment or speak with someone please contact us. either by phone, text, email, instant message through facebook on the following:
Contact Us for counselling or support
Phone 0455 118 053 or TEXT
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You are not alone